Title Authors Year
An investigation into the best method to combine national and local data to develop site-specific critical loads. R.A. Wadsworth… 2005
Manual on Methodologies and Criteria for Modelling and Mapping Critical Loads and Levels and Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends. U.B.A. 2004
Tolerance of calluna vulgaris and peatland plant communities to sulphuric acid deposition. L.J. Calver; M… 2004
Trends in critical load exceedances for acidity and nutrient nitrogen for the years 1995-97, 1998-2000, 1999-2001 and 2010. Report to Defra J. Hall; E.… 2004
The National Critical Loads Mapping Programme Phase IV. Final Report (July 2001 – June 2004) J. Hall; J.… 2004
Update to: The status of UK critical loads - Critical loads methods, data and maps J. Hall; J.… 2004
Addendum: The status of UK critical load exceedances J. Hall; J.… 2004
The development of an approach to assess critical loads of acidity for woodland habitats in great Britain S.J. Langan; J… 2004
Empirical critical loads for nitrogen. Expert Workshop, Berne 11-13 November 2002. B. Achermann;… 2003
A suggested improved method for the quantification of critical loads of acidity for peat soils. L. Calver 2003
Status of UK Critical Loads - Critical Loads methods, data & maps J. Hall; J.… 2003
Addendum: Status of UK critical loads - methods, data & maps J. Hall; J.… 2003
Status of UK Critical Loads and Exceedances January 1998 Part 1 - Critical Loads and Critical Loads Maps. Update to January 1998 report J. Hall; J.… 2001
The role of weathering rate determinations in generating uncertainties in the calculation of critical loads of acidity and their exceedance. S. Langan; M.… 2001
Selecting chemical criteria for critical loads of acidity in maritime regions. J. Aherne; E.P… 2001