Title Authors Year
Critical loads of acidic deposition for forest soils: Is the current approach adequate? H. Lokke; J.… 1996
An Empirical Map of Critical Loads of Acidity for Soils in Great Britain M. Hornung; K.… 1995
Calculation and mapping of critical thresholds in Europe: Status Report 1995. M. Posch; P.A.… 1995
The Sensitivity of Surface Waters of Great Britain to Acidification Predicted from Catchment Characteristics M. Hornung; K.… 1995
Estimating uncertainty in the current critical loads exceedance models R.I. Smith; J.… 1995
Mapping and modelling critical loads for nitrogen - a workshop report. M. Hornung; M.… 1995
Use of Calcium Aluminum Ratios as Indicators of Stress in Forest Ecosystems C.S. Cronan; D… 1995
Calculating Critical Loads for Acidity with the Simple Mass-Balance Method H. Sverdrup; W… 1994
The effect of soil acidification on the growth of trees, grass and herbs as expressed by the (Ca+Mg+K)/Al ratio. H. Sverdup; P… 1993
Critical Loads of Acidity - Nordic Surface Waters A. Henriksen;… 1992
Critical loads for nitrogen - a report from a workshop held at Lokeberg, Sweden 6-10 April 1992. P. Grennfelt;… 1992
British Plant Communities Rodwell, J.S. 1991
Mapping Critical Loads: A guidance to the criteria, calculations, data collection and mapping of critical loads. H. Sverdup; W… 1990
Critical loads for sulphur and nitrogen J. Nilsson, P. Grennfelt 1988
Weathering of Primary Silicate Minerals in the Natural Soil Environment in Relation to a Chemical-Weathering Model H. Sverdrup; P… 1988