Title Authors Year
Selecting chemical criteria for critical loads of acidity in maritime regions. J. Aherne; E.P… 2001
Developing the Hull Acid Rain Model: its validation and implications for policy makers. S.E. Metcalfe… 2001
Harmonisation of ecosystem definitions. In: Modelling and mapping of critical thresholds in Europe. J. Hall 2001
Modelling the effects of acid deposition: refinements, adjustments and inclusion of nitrogen dynamics in the MAGIC model B.J. Cosby; R.… 2001
UNECE Expert Workshop: Chemical Criteria and Critical Limits. In: Modelling and mapping of critical thresholds in Europe J. Hall; M.… 2001
Investigating the uncertainties in the Simple Mass Balance equation for acidity critical loads for terrestrial ecosystems. J. Hall; M.… 2001
The importance of selecting appropriate criteria for calculating acidity critical loads for terrestrial ecosystems using the Simple Mass Balance equation. J. Hall; B.… 2001
Transboundary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone in the UK NEGTAP 2001
Critical loads of sulphur and nitrogen for freshwaters in Great Britain and assessment of deposition reduction requirements with the First-order Acidity Balance (FAB) model C. Curtis; T.… 2000
The use of critical loads in environmental policy making: A critical appraisal R.A.… 1999
Considerations of uncertainty in setting critical loads of acidity of soils: the role of weathering rate determination M.E. Hodson; S… 1999
Status of UK Critical Loads and Exceedances January 1998 Part 1 - Critical Loads and Critical Loads Maps. J. Hall; K.… 1998
The critical load approach to air pollution control. M. Hornung; H… 1997
Exceedance of critical loads for lakes in Finland, Norway, and Sweden: Reduction requirements for acidifying nitrogen and sulfur deposition M. Posch; J.… 1997
Contribution of nitrogen to acidity in the Bjerkreim river in southwestern Norway A. Henriksen;… 1997